Chiropractic Adjustments
Adjustments are most commonly delivered to the restricted segments of the spine with the Doctor’s hands. However, adjustments may also be delivered in other ways depending on the specific nature of each condition.
Flexion-Distraction Therapy
Flexion-Distraction uses a specialized table to help with many different types of back pain including herniated disks, pinched nerves, sciatica, muscle spasms, and arthritis pain.
Electric Stimulation
Electric Muscle Stimulation uses a specific type of electrical current to help maximize healing by increasing blood flow and nutrients to muscles and joints.
Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger Point Therapy is technique used to remove irritable nodules or “knots” inside a muscle. These Trigger Points (Knots) can refer pain to other parts of the body. This therapy increases blood blow to muscles and decreases local and radiating pain.
Assisted Myofascial Release
This technique uses a rounded metallic tool to scrape the adhesions and restrictions out of tight and tender muscles that are causing dysfunction. This therapy is often used on athletes and post-surgical patients that have developed scar tissue.
Activator Technique
An Activator is a spring loaded instrument that is used to adjust restricted joints using minimal force. The technique is more often used in osteoporosis, advanced stages of arthritis, and with children

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